Wednesday, April 19, 2023

"Haunted Stars," Audio Recordings of Chapters 1, 2, and 3

These audio recordings of Haunted Stars are embedded mp3 files. They were read by myself, using Quickplay and iMovie. (The pause controls work better if you click on the "pop out" command. But if you can't restart, just refresh. And you'll notice a few seconds of repetition near the start of Ch. 2 that didn't get deleted when I did the editing--just keep going.) They were a lot of fun to do, as well as a lot of work, so I hope you enjoy them. And thanks to the folks from the Teaching and Learning Center at Seton Hill for being so helpful. 
Click on the book cover in the sidebar for more information about the novel and for where it can be purchased. 

Chapter 1: "In a Lonely Bar on a Lonely World" 

Chapter 2: "The Raid" 

Chapter 3: "Politics and Money" 

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